Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur 2024-10-07T00:09:45+07:00 Andi Farid Open Journal Systems <p>Scientific publication contains an article field of the science of Industrial Product Design and Architecture, and the disciplines that support it. Published starting October 2013 periodic 6 monthly, April and October by the Design Department, Polytechnic of Samarinda, East Kalimantan.</p> EKSPERIMEN PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH INDUSTRI KAYU SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF MATERIAL KAYU 2024-10-01T01:43:36+07:00 Mohammad Al Farobi Christin Mardiana <p>Industri furnitur menghasilkan limbah dalam jumlah yang signifikan, termasuk limbah serbuk dan potongan kayu, yang telah menjadi perhatian utama karena penanganannya yang kurang tepat, sering kali hanya dibuang atau dibakar, menyebabkan dampak lingkungan yang serius. Sampai saat ini, belum ada solusi yang efektif untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan cara baru dalam memanfaatkan limbah industri kayu sebagai bahan baku yang memiliki nilai dan fungsi yang berarti. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui serangkaian eksperimen, termasuk pemilihan limbah serbuk dan potongan kayu, penggabungan serbuk kayu, proses pewarnaan dan pengeringan serbuk, serta proses yang sama untuk potongan kayu. Selanjutnya, dilakukan proses pembuatan pola, penggabungan pola, finishing, dan pengeringan bahan. Hasil analisis dari eksperimen ini menjadi landasan untuk mengembangkan material baru yang terbuat dari kombinasi limbah potongan dan serbuk kayu. Dengan demikian, upaya ini diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi yang lebih berkelanjutan dalam memanfaatkan kembali limbah industri furnitur dan mengurangi dampak negatifnya terhadap lingkungan.</p> 2024-07-22T20:56:26+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al Farobi Al Farobi PENDEKATAN ARSITEKTUR METAFORA PADA PERANCANGAN STADION AKUATIK DELI SPORT CITY 2024-10-01T01:43:36+07:00 Rifky Rahmansyah Matondang Yunita Syafitri Rambe Suprayitno <p><em>North Sumatra Province is set to host the 21st National Sports Week again, one of the sports buildings to be built is the Stadium for Aquatic Sports. This design approach is Metaphor architecture. This is to give the identity of the building. Planning principles by taking the formation of swimmers and water. The purpose of this study is to assess the success of the Aquatic Stadium building design with the application of international standards using the Metaphor Architecture Concept. The design focuses on the theme that has been determined and is included in the arrangement of aquatic sports arenas and other supporting facilities. The concept in this design is through the process of finding ideas about architectural data on the Aquatic Stadium from various sources of information. The research method is carried out by analysing and conceptualising the availability of data, and conducting a validation test of the design results with the metaphorical indicators used in planning. The result of this research is that it has followed the standards and the indicators given are in accordance with the design. The results of the research can be used as a building identity for the Deli Sport Centre area. Later this suitability, can be used as an output as a planning that provides regional identity.</em></p> 2024-07-22T20:58:15+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yunita Syafitri Rambe, Rifky Rahmansyah Matondang AKULTURASI BUDAYA PADA INTERIOR ARSITEKTUR MASJID TUA AL-WAHHAB BONTANG 2024-10-01T01:43:37+07:00 Fitriyani Arifin <p>Mosque architecture evolutively moves forward towards greater perfection in terms of its perfection as a building and as a means of implementing Islamic teachings from time to time. Al-Wahhab Old Mosque is an old mosque and one of the milestones of the founding of Bontang City, which was built inseparable from social values and has a uniqueness in its architecture and interior design. This research raises the issue of the form and style of the interior architecture of the Al-Wahhab Old Mosque by using interpretative qualitative methods, namely, parsing various cultural facts contained in the object of research. The results showed that the continuous development carried out on the interior architecture of the Al-Wahhab Old Mosque from 2001 AD until 2018 AD, the style of the mosque form has a mixture of two or more cultures that meet and influence each other (cultural acculturation), namely the ancient Javanese mosque (mihrab, liwan / prayer room, and portico), the style of pre-existing Hindu temple buildings (mosque entrances and windows), the style of ancient Kalimantan mosques (minarets or minarets), the style of traditional Banjar tribal houses in South Kalimantan (auxiliary building walls and gate column walls), the Jepara motif style (pulpit podium), and the Indian flow dome style (dome roof of the mosque gate).</p> 2024-07-22T20:59:27+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fitriyani Arifin KAJIAN ESTETIKA IMPLEMENTASI BAMBU LAMINASI PADA TRANSFORMABLE FURNITURE BRUNA CABINET 2024-10-01T01:43:37+07:00 Eilsa Adelia Nukhbah Sany Prasiska Damastuti Friska Damayanti Safarah Putri Ma’Wa <p><em>The limitation of wood as a raw material for furniture production has prompted researchers to seek non-wood alternative materials. Among these alternatives, bamboo has been utilized for furniture production. However, the bamboo used is typically in its whole form, which restricts the types and shapes of furniture that can be produced. Using the design thinking method, starting from the empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test stages, the goal of this research was to explore the aesthetic value of a cabinet that can transform from one function to another using processed bamboo material—specifically, vertically laminated bamboo with grooves. Data collection involved initial questionnaires distributed to potential users, interviews with bamboo processing industry practitioners, and a literature review of books, journals, and internet articles. The final outcome of this study is a working drawing and a prototype cabinet made from laminated bamboo material that can transform into a writing desk. Respondent evaluations indicated that the prototype was 71.39% comfortable (Good) and had an average aesthetic rating of 84.125%. Additionally, 33% of respondents expressed interest in purchasing the prototype at the specified price.</em></p> 2024-09-08T06:51:24+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eilsa Adelia STUDI EKPLORASI UNSUR IDENTITAS SAMARINDA UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN DESAIN KEMASAN KUE 2024-10-01T01:43:37+07:00 Andi Farid Hidayanto Mafazah Noviana Yohanes Firananta Setyo Atmono <p><em>Biskuit Gabin merupakan jajanan khas Samarinda yang biasa dijadikan oleh-oleh. Desain kemasan biskuit gabin yang juga merupakan salah satu jenis kue tradisional tidak banyak berubah sejak pertama kali diluncurkan. Sehingga desain kemasan perlu dikembangkan sesuai perkembangan zaman tanpa kehilangan identitas aslinya. Dari hasil tugas yang diberikan kepada 75 siswa, terpilihlah desain akhir untuk digunakan sebagai kemasan produk. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan. Metode Proses Perancangan Struktur Pengemasan, pengemasan biskuit gabin berkembang melalui beberapa tahapan, sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan berbagai aplikasi komputer untuk dikembangkan seperti. Hasil dari proyek ini adalah prototipe kemasan biskuit gabin yang dilengkapi dengan grafik yang menampilkan ikon-ikon daerah terkait menampilkan identitas daerah..</em></p> 2024-09-25T06:34:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Farid Hidayanto; Mafazah Noviana, Yohanes Firananta Setyo Atmono PERENCANAAN SIRKULASI RUANG PUSAT TERAPI HOLISTIK DI SAMARINDA 2024-10-01T01:43:37+07:00 Iga Nur Ramdhani Tutik Rahayu Ningsih Alvira Hediananda Dwikaputri <p><em>Samarinda is one of the most populous cities in East Kalimantan. Living in a densely populated urban area has a greater impact on the risk of mental health disorders. Poor mental health has an impact on physical health. One effort for health care is by conducting holistic health therapy as an alternative to healing overall health, starting from a person's physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. The purpose of this planning is to produce a holistic therapy center building design in Samarinda with circulation planning that can facilitate building users in their activities in it. Through the analysis method by analyzing the area and building circulation. Analysis of area circulation is carried out by arranging vehicle lanes, parking and building positions. Analysis of building circulation is carried out by determining the pattern of vertical and horizontal space circulation. This planning produces a holistic therapy center in Samarinda that has a circulation space that can increase comfort and facilitate access for building users, so that this therapy center can meet the needs of urban physical and psychological health and become a place for a healthy environmental community</em></p> 2024-09-23T05:31:03+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Iga Nur Ramdhani, Tutik Rahayu Ningsih, Alvira Hediananda Dwikaputri PENERAPAN ARSITEKTUR MODEREN RUSTIC PADA PERANCANGAN RESTORAN DAN BUTIK DI SAMARINDA 2024-10-01T01:43:37+07:00 Nur Husniah Thamrin Cisyulia Octavia HS Anna Rulia Dahniar Kurniawati <p><em>The development of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan has been a significant catalyst for economic growth and lifestyle changes in surrounding areas, including the city of Samarinda. The increasing awareness of modern lifestyles and the desire for new experiences has led Samarinda's consumers to seek out places that not only provide products or food but also offer a comfortable atmosphere and visually appealing aesthetics.</em><em> The objective of this research is to develop a design concept for a commercial building that combines two functions: a restaurant and a boutique, using a modern rustic style as a response to this trend. This study employs a qualitative analysis method, combining the results of literature reviews, field surveys, internet studies, and comparative studies of similar buildings, aiming to identify the unique characteristics of modern rustic architecture that suit the needs of building users, functionality, and site conditions. The site is determined through an analysis of several alternative sites. The results of this analysis are a design concept for a restaurant and boutique building with a modern rustic architectural style, evident in both the building's facade and interior. The design concept produced in this research is a unique blend of modern, clean lines and the warmth of rustic materials, resulting in a visually and functionally aesthetic space.</em></p> 2024-09-26T11:36:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Husniah Thamrin PERANCANGAN NAKAS MULTIFUNGSI HIDDEN DRAWER DENGAN MIX MATERIAL 2024-10-07T00:09:45+07:00 Niki Etruly Ahmad Yusuf <p><em>In the development of minimalist and modern interior design, space limitations are a major problem, especially in creating a multifunctional bedroom design. The bedroom is not only used as a place to rest, but is used as a place for storage, work, and other activities, so it requires several functional and efficient design solutions. One of the products developed is a multifunctional nightstand that has been equipped with more storage, hidden drawers, and a table top that can be directed to the bed. This product is designed using a combination of teak wood, plywood, and veneer with natural finishing, giving a natural and aesthetic impression. Research on this product uses quantitative method research through filling out questionnaires to respondents. The process of designing this product follows by using the design thinking method which involves five stages, namely the empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test stages. The final result is a prototype of a multifunctional nightstand that has been equipped with woven rattan to add an aesthetic impression. The data shows that this product obtained score of 91.05%, which shows that this product is very attractive and meets the needs as a creative solution to the problem of limited space.</em></p> 2024-10-06T06:46:22+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Niki Etruly, Ahmad Yusuf