Calculation of Machine Elements and Production Capacity in a Corn Counb Briquette Machine as an Alternative Fuel
This research aims to bridge alternative energy in the form of non-fossil-based fuels, which come from agricultural waste biomass including corn weevils, coconut husks, coconut shells, rice husks, bagasse, cassava skins. This research uses corn weevil as raw material for making charcoal briquettes. Fuels that can be produced from biomass agricultural waste are biofuels, biogas, and charcoal briquettes that are processed mechanically. Making charcoal briquettes from corn weevil waste is carried out by the authoring method by studying the authoring temperature (200°C, 250°C, 300°C, 350°C, 400°C) and studying the effect of the ratio of corn weevil charcoal: fox wood glue adhesive (1:1, 1.5:1, 2:1) on the quality of charcoal briquettes. From the results of the resulting research that the best charcoal briquettes are produced at a temperature of 400 ° C with a ratio of corn weevil charcoal: adhesive 1: 1 which produces a moisture content analysis of 3.9%, ash content of 2.9%, flying substance content of 6.5% and cal / gr cal / gr. The quality of briquettes from corn weevil charcoal is in accordance with SNI 01-6235-2000 standards. And burn rate analysis 0.4 gr/min
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