Construction and Heat Calculations in a Fish Smoker Based on an Arduino Microcontroller

  • Simon Petrus Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
  • Merpatih Merpatih Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
  • Suwarto Suwarto Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
Abstract views: 86 , Pdf downloads: 83
Keywords: Fish smoker, Microcontroller, Fish Weight


People generally make smoked fish traditionally, fish smoked above the kiln and smoke from burning biomass is left to mix with the air. This smoking technique has several disadvantages including exposure to direct smoke for a long time, this is very dangerous for health because it can cause eye irritation, respiratory problems, and throat. The next drawback is difficult temperature control, the temperature in traditional fumigation is relatively high. The smoking process requires proper temperature control so that smoked fish is not too cooked or even burnt and has good quality for consumption by the public. The purpose of this research is to design and make a more efficient fish smoker. The method used in using this tool is to design the tool, then test the tool, then analyze the tool and make sure the tool can work properly. The test results show that the fish smoker based on the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller can work optimally with the smoking process taking 5-6 hours. Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller-based fish smoker can reduce the total weight of fish from 9 kg down to 6.7 kg. A good temperature in carrying out the process of smoking fish in order to obtain the results of smoking fish evenly is 40 ̊ C -50 ̊ C


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