
  • Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur

    Scientific publication contains an article field of the science of Industrial Product Design and Architecture, and the disciplines that support it. Published starting October 2013 periodic 6 monthly, April and October by the Design Department, Polytechnic of Samarinda, East Kalimantan.

  • EDUTOURISM Journal Of Tourism Research

    EduTourism Journal of Tourism Research (EJTR) was published twice a year in June and December by the Tourism Department of State Polytechnic of Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The publication of this journal is a scientific and applied journal in hospitality and tourism studies. The manuscript can be research papers, review articles, and conceptual, technical, and methodological papers on all aspects, including research findings, experimental design, analysis, and recent application in hospitality and tourism studies. These areas include tourism planning, tour, and travel, tourism management, tourism destination, destination management organization, hotel and accommodation, tourism industry, economic effects of tourism, tourism gastronomy, tourism village, education in tourism, MICE, tourist attraction development, tourism business, ecotourism, the particular interest of tourism, heritage, and cultural attraction.

  • Jurnal Activa

    Activa merupakan jurnal jurusan akuntansi yang memuat artikel mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi politeknik negeri Samarinda. Cakupan keilmuan Jurnal Activa meliputi Akuntansi, Keuangan dan Perbankan. Jurnal Activa dipublikasikan sebanyak empat kali dalam setahun pada bulan Maret, Juni, September, dan Desember. Penerbitan pertama dimulai pada bulan September tahun 2022.

  • Jurnal ETAM

    ETAM: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat is managed by P3M Politeknik Negeri Samarinda with ISSN 2776-2475 (online) and ISSN 2776-2750 (print). This journal published manuscripts as results of community service activities from various disciplines, which contribute to improving the quality and skills of the community, the application of research results, and the use of appropriate technology.

    Since 2024, this journal will be published 3 times a year. Numbers 1-2-3 are scheduled for publication: February, June and October.

  • J-MIT: Journal of Marketing, Innovation & Technology

    J-MIT Journal of Marketing, Innovation & Technology published by Pusat Peneltian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Samarinda. The subject covers both textual and empirical, as well as classical and contemporary research on Marketing, Innovation and Technology, Management and Business/Commerce field. Published in Indonesia, it welcomes contributions in English. Papers are peer-reviewed to maintain a high scholarly level. Journal of Technology and Business Journal of Marketing, Innovation & Technology is published online twice a year in May and November.

  • Jurnal EKSIS

    Jurnal EKSIS is a journal published by Politeknik Negeri Samarinda (POLNES) that published twice a year, April and October. Focus fields of this journal are accounting, finance, taxation, auditing, business, management and the other relevant fields. All article are the result of research, conceptual ideas and reviews that never been published before. The expectation of this journal is able to be a national and international accredited journal


    Redaksi menerima naskah ilmiah yang belum dipublikasikan atau diterbitkan dalam media lain.  Jurnal MARITIM diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, bulan Juni dan Desember.  Naskah yang sudah diterima redaksi paling lambat satu bulan sebelum penerbitan. 

  • Mekanik: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknik Mesin

    Mekanik merupakan jurnal ilmiah bidang teknik mesin yang diharapkan dapat dijadikan sarana publikasi hasil karya tulis ataupun hasil karya penelitian yang bersifat aplikatif yang sesuai dengan ciri politeknik sebagai institusi pendidikan jalur yang profesional. Jurnal Mekanik ini berfokus pada pengembangan bidang Konversi Energi, Desain Mekanikal, Material, Manufaktur dan Otomasi

    Mekanik is a scientific journal in the field of mechanical engineering which is expected to be used as a means of publishing written work or research results of an applicable nature in accordance with the characteristics of polytechnics as professional educational institutions. This Mekanik Journal focuses on developments in the fields of Energy Conversion, Mechanical Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Automation

  • JustTI

    Jurnal Sains Terapan Teknologi Informasi - JUST TI is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal published every six month in January and July. This journal is opened for scientists, academics, professionals in the wide areas of computer science, information system, information technology, informatics, electrical, robotics, computer engineering from the global world.

    It was first published online in 2017. Beginning with issue 1 of volume 9 (2017), JUST TI is be published as a six-monthly journal (2 issues/year). This journal is indexed by Google Scholar, Indonesia One Search


    JURNAL TEKNIK KIMIA VOKASIONAL (JIMSI) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal which is published by Department of Chemical Engineering Politeknik Negeri Samarinda, East Kalimantan publishes biannually in March and September with registered number ISSN 2775-9083 (Print) and 2775-9075 (Online).  This Journal publishes current original research on Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, especially on catalysts, biofuel, petro and oleo, and environment. JIMSI invites lectures, researchers, examiners, practitioners, industrialists and students to submit their papers or manuscripts. 

    The Journal invites contributions to the following two main areas is applied Chemistry dealing with the application of basic chemical sciences to industry and Chemical Engineering dealing with the chemical and biochemical conversion of raw materials into different products as well as the design and operation of plants and equipment.

  • MEDIA PERSPEKTIF : Journal of Technology

    MEDIA PERSPEKTIF : Journal Technology of Politeknik Negeri Samarinda invites lecturers, researchers, examiners, practitioners, industrialists and students to submit their papers or manuscripts. The accepted ones will be peer-reviewed after which the authors will be informed through the  Open Journal System (OJS). This journal publishes twice a year periodically in June and December.



    Jurnal Inersia is a journal of civil engineering research and application at the Samarinda State Polytechnic published twice a year in March and November. First published in 2013.  For writers interested in submitting a script, please register online. The manuscript is received no later than one month before the issuance month, and the reviewer process is online for approximately one month. Acceptance and rejection are done online and sent by email.