Author Guidelines




  1. Articles must contain: Introduction, Literature Review and Hypothesis Development, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References.
  2. Article must be written on A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), with Arial font size of 11pt and 1.5 spaces.
  3. The top-bottom margins are 2.5 cm each, while the left-right margins are 2 cm each. 
  4. Script length is 10-15 pages.
  5. The title of the article is written with the provisions: capital letter, arial, 12 pt, bold, centered; The author’s name is written with the provisions: arial, 11 pt, bold, centered; The origin of the institution is written with the provisions: arial, 10 pt.


Article Structure

1. Abstract

Abstract is written in Indonesian and English with 200-300 words. The abstract must summarize the contents of the article, including problems, research objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions. Abstract does not contain references and does not contain equations.

2. Introduction

This section consists of background, formulation of research problems or questions, and research objectives. Write parts of this research without using subchapters/subtitles.

3. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development

This section contains previous related studies and explanations about developing hypotheses. Preferred sources of origin come from primary sources such as research reports (including theses and dissertations) or research articles in scientific journals and/or magazines.

4. Research Methods

The research method at least describes the approach used in research, population and research samples, explains the operational definitions of variables along with data measurement tools or how to collect data, research models, and data analysis techniques/methods.

5. Results and Discussion

This section presents the results of data analysis, hypothesis testing, answers to research questions, findings and interpretations.

6. Conclusions

This section presents research conclusions, research limitations, and suggestions for further research development.

7. References

Only references referred to in the paper are included in this section. Reference is the final part of the paper, written in alphabetical order following APA Style ( The composition includes: author’s name, year of publication, title of paper or textbook, name of journal or publisher, and page.