JURNAL TEKNIK KIMIA VOKASIONAL (JIMSI) isan open-access and peer-reviewed journal which is published by Department of Chemical Engineering Politeknik Negeri Samarinda, East Kalimantan publishes biannually in March and September with registered number ISSN 2775-9083 (Print) and 2775-9075 (Online). This Journal publishes current original research on Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, especially on catalysts, biofuel, petro and oleo, and environment.
With aiming at providing a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on development of alternative green and sustainable chemical technologies, JIMSI ensures high visibility of your research results to a worldwide audience both in scientific community and chemical enterprises. JIMSI invites lectures, researchers, examiners, practitioners, industrialists and students to submit their papers or manuscripts. Contributions of original research, reviews, short communications or letters, perspectives, and case studies are mainly welcomed.
The Journal invites contributions to the following two main areas:
Applied Chemistry dealing with the application of basic chemical sciences to industry
Chemical Engineering dealing with the chemical and biochemical conversion of raw materials into different products as well as the design and operation of plants and equipment.