Itemizes East Java Heritage Tourism Nexus: In Consort of “Pentahelix” Method via Didactic Vicissitudes Adherence

  • Sultan Bagus Firmansyah Applied English Language, Airlangga University, Surabaya
Abstract views: 478 , PDF downloads: 246
Keywords: Pentahelix, archaic didactic principles, Tourism, Heritage, History-savvy


As 21st century and/ or urban spots skyrocketing nonstop, particularly at East Java, a bunch of anti-outmoded places’ quantity exceeds both heritage and monumental tourism sites. Attempting archaic didactic principles in familiarizing pupils with heritage tourism equals nothing, nor is (using) printed book; a fine-tech focal notion shall be done. This research heads renewal worth noting idea, it’s antihelix; the method coalesces Academician, Business, Community, Government, and Media abbr. ABCGM, thus, foregoing fifth stakeholders can emerge a distinct tactic of transferring heritage tourism science to students. It can by locating learners’ interests via sophisticated 5.0 features e.g. Virtual Reality/ VR, Augmented Reality/ AR, 3D Demo, etc. To do so, pupils’ endeavour forecast is aimed at history-savvy, minifying heritage unawareness, and nurturing annals of historic sites. A resilient historic site encompasses Edu-tourism importance, with a view from within. This research has ≤ 38 respondents (from 29 regencies and 8 cities in East Java province) whose essence about monumental tourism preservation weightiness.


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How to Cite
Bagus Firmansyah, S. (2021). Itemizes East Java Heritage Tourism Nexus: In Consort of “Pentahelix” Method via Didactic Vicissitudes Adherence. EDUTOURISM Journal Of Tourism Research, 3(01), 1-12.