Peran Citra Destinasi Pada Hubungan E-Wom Dengan Minat Kunjungan Wisatawan Di Pantai Losari, Kota Makassar

  • Vinny Corylitha Sarapang Magister Terapan Pariwisata, Politeknik Pariwisata Bali, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Surata Politeknik Pariwisata Bali, Bali- Indonesia
  • I Putu Utama Politeknik Pariwisata Bali, Bali- Indonesia
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Keywords: e-WOM, destination image, visit intention


This study sees and analyzes the direct effect of e-WOM on visit intention and destination image, the direct effect of destination image on visit intention, and the indirect effect of e-WOM on visit intention through destination image. The methods of this study used a quantitative approach. I collected data through online questionnaires with a total sample of 200 respondents. The sampling technique used is purposive accidental sampling. Data analysis used the SEM-PLS method. The results showed that e-WOM has no direct effect and an insignificant positive relationship on visit intention, e-WOM has a positive and significant direct effect on destination image, destination image has a positive and significant direct effect on visit intention, and e-WOM has a positive and significant indirect effect on visit intention through destination image or destination image became a mediator between e-WOM and visit intention.


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How to Cite
Sarapang, V. C., Surata, I. K., & Utama, I. P. (2022). Peran Citra Destinasi Pada Hubungan E-Wom Dengan Minat Kunjungan Wisatawan Di Pantai Losari, Kota Makassar. EDUTOURISM Journal Of Tourism Research, 3(02), 115-126.