Tommy E. Sutarto, Insan Kamil, Tumingan, Freddy Barus, Dhiana D. Widiawati, Melviana Firsty, Raudah Ahmad, Fitri Wulandari, Pulung P. Pamungkas, Septian A. Nugroho, M. Nasir
ETAM: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat is managed by P3M Politeknik Negeri Samarinda with ISSN 2776-2475 (online) and ISSN 2776-2750 (print). This journal published manuscripts as results of community service activities from various disciplines, which contribute to improving the quality and skills of the community, the application of research results, and the use of appropriate technology.
Since 2024, this journal will be published 3 times a year. Numbers 1-2-3 are scheduled for publication: February, June and October.